Sunday, March 15, 2020

obsessive compulsive behaviour essays

obsessive compulsive behaviour essays Websters dictionary defines a hero as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability, an illustrious warrior, a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities, and one that shows great courage. In the book The Time Machine, the hero is the traveler. He is not only ambitious, but he is also courageous. He faces many difficult situations which using his brilliance, his vast amounts of knowledge and his will to survive is able to cheat death on many occasions. His friends all look up to him, and admire his radiance. The traveler survived more than any average man would have ever been able to endure. One would be amazed to see the time line which the traveler had spent over his highly adventurous eight days. He not only sacrificed himself physically, he was also on the brink of insanity. With his highly advanced knowledge of science and mathematics, he was able to not only stay aware of his position, but he stayed on top of his problems. His ambition carried him farther than any other emotion ever could have. His courage allowed for his exploratory searches of the new world. It helped him get as far as it did. Without it, he probably would have been killed very early into his quest. On many occasions the traveler explains his willingness to gain more and more knowledge, I have thought since how particularly ill-equipped I was for such an experience. When I had started with the time machine, I had started with the assumption that the men of the future would certainly be infinitely ahead of our selves in all their appliances. I had come without arms, without medicine, without anything to smoke at times I missed tobacco frightfully even without enough matches. If only I had a glimpse of the Underworld in a second, and examined it at leisure (page 70). This quote clearly allows us to see how the traveler,...

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